Chakra By Archangel Metatron Is An Archangel Aromatherapy Perfume Prescription.
Chakra, blocked, grounding, sensitivity, chakra clearing, yoga, indigo children, crystal children, children-sensitive
Archangel Metatron is the angel of chakras. Archangel Metatron helps to keep your energy body clear from the buildup of negative energy that can stop the flow of divine guidance and life force to the energetic body.
The chakras are the main energy centres found throughout the body. He understands how it can be difficult for sensitive souls to navigate the hard energy within and around them, especially the indigo and crystal children. If you have sensitive children or are sensitive yourself, he is your greatest champion for keeping you sensitive and strong and energetically clear and connected to your inner wisdom. Main areas of assistance: Chakra, blocked, grounding, sensitivity, chakra clearing, yoga, indigo children, crystal children, children-sensitive.
Benefits: Natural Essential Oil Concentrates invoke archangels, promote energy healing and clearing, enhance divine communication, promote high vibration, and uplift the mind, body, spirit, soul, and space.
Ingredients: Certified Organic Therapeutic Grade essential oils: Lime, Patchouli, Vanilla + Archangel Metatron love vibration.
The entire range is encased in violet glass as used by the Egyptians in ancient times to preserve the bio-energetic oils from light, deterioration. This unique technology offers optimal protection against the ageing process, lengthening the durability and potency of essential oils and increasing their shelf life.
Not tested on animal, No GMO, No emulsifiers, artificial colourings, fragrances, synthetic additive Eco friendly, recyclable packaging. Made in Australia