New Moon Friday.... Manifesting Magic

The New Moon Manifestation Ritual is a six part process...


1. Create a sacred space....light candles, burn aromatherapy oils, sage, play music and get yourself in a really positive head space. The more positive you and your environment are he easier your thought forms are carried to the divine. You raise your vibration and the vibration of your space which in turn elevates your intentions to the divine on a really high frequency.


2. Write out your intentions. List all the things or maybe just one item that you intend to manifest. It is essential that you use the word "Intention'. The word intention is a powerful word of creation. It is with intention that you create. So at the top of a piece of paper write..."My intention is .......

Tip: At the bottom of my intention list I always write. " May all of my intentions be realised or better than I can imagine for myself'... this way you leave it open for AMAZING, MIND BLOWING stuff to come into your life that you cant even begin to image. Loving that!!

3. You need to visualise your intentions. As you write each one, sit back and close your eyes and visualise the intention happening. Do this for each one. Basically creating what I like to call a 'mini mind movie' of everything you desire already manifest. Whenever you have doubt refocus your mind always back to your intentions.

4. Burn or rip up the list of intentions. Safely, burn the list of intentions so you release them to the Universe to be realised. We don't want to hold onto our intentions. You can make a copy so you can refer back to them.


5. Use your intuition to determine signs related to your manifestations. Now is not the time to check out my friends and kick back. Now you have done this big request you need to be on high alert for changes or actions you need to take. Tune in and notice the signs. Remember there are no coincidences everything is happening for a reason. Particularly because you asked for it. Manifestation is more than wishful thinking it is co-creation with the divine spirit realm and whomever you connect in with. You placed a big order and your Spiritual guides will come back to you with the actions you need to take to make your intentions come to fruition. So listen & pay attention.


6. Don't worry. Just believe that because you asked for it, its will happen. People fall into the trap of worrying about their intentions and then disbelieving when things don't show up exactly how they thought they would or in the time frame they expect. This leads to discouragement and you reverse s the effects of your manifestation. But also things can move really quickly and often clients will say to me 'it happened so quickly its too good to be true' either way believe that the Universe, God, Angels, Buddha, Ganesh or whomever you connect in with spiritually has got your request and they are working with you to make it happen. All you need to do is Intend, Visualise, Believe, Stay focused and Be Happy xxx Easy!! 


If you would like to visit with me for a reading, healing, or Spiritual Coaching to please visit my website for more details at or call 0402848810 .

Happy Manifesting my friends xx

My intention on this New Moon is that all of my Facebook followers have all of their intentions realised. Now! With grateful love and thanks to the divine. Rxx