Day 4 of 30 days of Archangel Awareness & Guidance....
Day 4 of Archangel Awareness & Guidance introduces us to the Archangel Raguel. Archangel Raguel heals relationships. I call him the Relationships Archangel. The card today is called Archangel Raguel-Divine Order: 'Everything is how it needs to be right now. Look past the illusion, and see the underlaying order.'
Archangel Raguel helps heal relationships where there has been a misunderstanding or conflict with a family member, friend, work mate, lover, partner or with anyone in your life. You can invite him to come and assist to heal the relationship and allow everyone to forgive and forget.
He wants you to all know that sometimes things come up in relationships and they need to be dealt with in order to heal the relationships and move forward. Sometimes these concerns can be sensitive in nature and trigger conflict or misunderstanding. He wants you to know that you need to look past the conflict and negativity to look more deeply at what is healing. Don't be distracted by the illusion of the conflict and caught up in the drama. Look at what is actually healing. Reflect on why this has come up in your life and in your relationship at this time and rather than fight it reflect on the learning, love and lesson. Everything is happening exactly as it is supposed too. Always. Sometimes things can seem unfair, harsh or a challenge but if you can rise above the drama you will see the lessons, love and healing.
If you need assistance with your relationship why not visit me for a spiritual coaching and some loving angelic guidance. I can do sessions via phone, Skype and in person. Please call Rachael on 0402848810 or email to book a session.
Archangel Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue.