Rachael White

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Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Libra- Balance, change & letting go...

At 11pm in Australia it will be a full moon lunar eclipse tonight. This week leading up to the full moon has been super, duper potent. As we know the full moon draws up to the surface anything in our lives that needs to be confronted, healed, faced, denied, tackled, ignored, .......basically all our 'stuff'. Given its an eclipse the full moon energy has been particularly potent. 

Sometimes it's really hard to look at our 'stuff' and the 'baggage' we carry around. The full moon in Libra identifies the imbalance and gently reveals. You can stuff it down, shut it down and deny it or get that stuff looked at once and for all. Up to you. The moon is here to provide the energy for you to release whatever is holding you back or down. Let go, let your stuff go. What are you holding onto? Why? Go deep, really ask yourself? What is it? 

What is the one thing in your life holding you back and throwing your life out of balance? Write it out and do the Full Moon Ritual to Let it go......

Lots of love, Rxxxx

The Full Moon Ritual is a six part process...

1. Create a sacred space....light candles, burn aromatherapy oils www.rachawhite.com.au/aromathearpy), sage, play music and get yourself in a really positive head space. Think about all the wonderful things in your life and spend a moment being grateful for what you do have. The more positive you and your environment are he easier your thought forms are carried to the divine. You raise your vibration and the vibration of your space which in turn elevates your intentions to the divine on a really high frequency.

2. Write out your intentions. List all your intentions you wish to release and purge from your life. Under a Full Moon we release anything that is no longer working for us. It is essential that you use the word "Intention' the word intention is a powerful word of creation. It is with intention that you create. So at the top of a piece of paper write.. Dear God, Universe, Angels, Spirit Guides, Buddha, (whomever you call on spiritually)

…”My intention is" .......

You may just have one intention that you wish to focus all your energy on or you may have a few. Up to you.I place of couple of drops of my archangel aromatherapy oils on the paper to raise the intentions vibrations.

3. Visualise your intentions. As you write each one, sit back and close your eyes and visualise what your life would be like with the released intention gone. It’s a very positive visualisation. What I like to call a 'mini mind movie' of everything you desire already manifest. 

4. Release intentions to be realised. Burn or submerse list in water rip up the list of intentions. you release them to your angels, God the Universe whomever you feel spiritually aligned with so they can be realised. We don't want to hold onto our intentions. You can make a copy so you can refer back to them.

5. Time for action using your intuition.  Use your intuition to determine signs related to your purge. Tune in and notice the signs. Remember there are no coincidences everything is happening for a reason. Particularly because you asked for it. You placed a big order and your spiritual guides and angels will come back to you with the actions you need to take to make your intentions come to fruition. So pay attention. They are trying to reach you. So exciting!

6. Be open to change:You may need to make some big life changes which will be confronting and challenging but its all part of releasing what is no longer serving you. A time for healing that we are all do together with the loving power of the full moon.

When you let go you no longer hold on to what no longer serves you. You create space for what does serve you to fill you up. I wish for you to be full. This is my intention for you my friends.

Much love, Rxxxx

about rachael

Rachael White is an Angel Intuitive (AI), Clairvoyant and Healer. Her ‘knowing’ of the divine and of spirit has been there since she was a child, but it is only in the last ten years that she has really stepped into her spirituality due to the transformational effect it has had on her life. Rachael has her own practice with a worldwide clientele for spiritual healing, coaching, angel readings and energy clearing for homes and businesses.

In order to support the process of healing and transformation with clients, Rachael developed the world’s first Archangel Aromatherapy range of angelic prescriptions. 100% pure and natural therapeutic grade organic essential oil blends in fifteen unique archangel aromas infused with divinely-channeled Archangel love and ancient wisdom. Each Archangel channeling individual instructions to Rachael for the preparation of the blends to create their own unique vibration and aroma.

The Archangel Aromatherapy is a vibrational medicine that draws on the spiritual and energetic principles underlying the ancient healing wisdom of aromatherapy. An invocation tool that calls in archangel guidance and support at any moment, depending on the issue, emotion or goal requiring help. These high vibrational oils not only smell divine but interact with the body to go where nothing else can. They penetrate human cells and access the deep recesses of the brain to heal you emotionally and energetically. By raising your vibration, you can project positive energy allowing you to attract your life purpose, receive assistance with spiritual development and holistic wellness for the mind, body, spirit, soul and space.

Rachael is passionate about the ancient healing art of aromatherapy and works closely with the angelic realm to support people to heal and go beyond healing to raise their vibration and consciousness so they can create the life they desire.

For Rachael her spirituality is the way she chooses to live her life and she wishes to provide her wisdom, learning, spiritual guidance and Archangel Aromatherapy with those who wish to receive it. 
